How to Add Shortcuts to your Ribbon in Excel - Personalize Icons in the Quick Access Toolbar

Are you tired of navigating through numerous menus and options in Excel to perform simple tasks repeatedly? Do you wish there was a quicker way to access the commands and shortcuts you use frequently? Look no further! In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to add custom shortcuts to the ribbon in Excel, saving you time and effort with every click. Be sure and watch the video to see exactly how to customize your Home tab in Excel and speed up your Excel workflow.

Step 1: Open Excel and Access Options

  1. Launch Microsoft Excel on your computer.

  2. Click on the "File" tab located at the top-left corner of the Excel window.

  3. Scroll down and select "Options" from the menu on the left-hand side.

Step 2: Customize the Ribbon

  1. In the Excel Options dialog box, click on the "Customize Ribbon" tab on the left-hand side.

  2. On the right-hand side, you'll see a list of tabs and groups within the ribbon interface.

  3. Select the tab where you want to add your custom shortcuts. For example, let's choose the "Home" tab.

  4. Click on the "New Group" button to create a new group within the selected tab.

Step 3: Add Commands to the Ribbon

  1. With the new group selected, navigate to the list of available commands on the left-hand side.

  2. By default, the list displays popular commands alphabetically. If you don't find your desired command, change the dropdown menu to "Commands Not in the Ribbon" or "All Commands."

  3. Scroll through the list or use the search box to find the command you want to add. For instance, let's add the "Strikethrough" command.

  4. Select the command and click on the "Add" button to add it to your custom group.

Step 4: Rename and Rearrange Groups (Optional)

  1. If you wish to rename your new group, select it from the list of tabs and groups.

  2. Click on the "Rename" button and enter a new name for your group.

  3. You can also rearrange the order of groups by selecting the group and using the arrow buttons to move it up or down the list.

Step 5: Finalize and Apply Changes

  1. Once you've added all the desired commands and customized your ribbon, click "OK" to save your changes and close the Excel Options dialog box.

  2. Your custom shortcuts should now be visible in the ribbon, allowing you to access frequently used commands with ease.

By following these simple steps, you can personalize your Excel experience and streamline your workflow like never before. Say goodbye to unnecessary clicks and hello to increased productivity!

Ready to take your Excel skills to the next level? Watch our accompanying video tutorial for a visual walkthrough of the process and discover even more tips and tricks to excel in Excel.

Don't forget to subscribe to my channel for more tutorials and insights to help you master Microsoft Excel and boost your productivity. Happy spreadsheeting!


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